Jamie Shine

General Manager - Head Trauma

Shine Lawyers

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Her story

Jamie is General Manager, Head Trauma at Shine Lawyers, and in 2022, was named the Leneen Forde AC Woman Lawyer of the Year at the Women Lawyers Association of Queensland’s (WLAQ) annual awards dinner.An experienced litigator, Jamie’s 20+ year career at Shine Lawyers has seen her focus on personal injury litigation for individuals. On top of this, Jamie has also served as the President of WLAQ, and continues to hold a number of directorships, including at Youngcare, Connectivity Traumatic Brain Injury Australia, and Concussion Legacy Foundation Australia.

Without mentioning your job title, how would you describe what it is you do now (whether at home, work, in the community, etc.)?

When people who experience trauma suffer a brain injury, it affects them in ways that many don’t understand. I listen, provide guidance and help those suffering access what they need to allow for a brighter future. I also advocate and create awareness around issues impacting those with brain injuries in the hope of improving our communities.

What are the first three words you think of when you hear the word ‘diversity’?

Inclusivity, opportunity, potential.

What do you think it will take to develop truly diverse thinking within the legal industry?

An appreciation that with diversity comes true opportunity for creating a stronger, more meaningful profession that has the ability to give a voice to all members of its community.

What was your main driver to enter the legal industry?

My admiration of the profession. The outcomes that those in the industry could obtain for people by virtue of their education.

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